our 2019 team
Dalton Thomas, Debora Rodriquez, Katelyn Daniels, Dustin Zimmer, Emily Ragle, Rebecca Mageroy, Danielle Harris, Ross Beach, and Danielle Peyton
Another great team this year! The students’ willingness to jump into any task—wearing a squirrel costume, moving chairs back and forth, scrubbing paint brushes, and looking after Karis and Ian when needed—made them an even greater blessing to the church and the Prices.
Dalton Thomas
Going on this trip to France has been the highlight of my summer. God has done amazing things through the Bible club and through keeping all of us safe while working on the Price’s house. I wouldn’t have changed a thing about the trip and I Thank God for the opportunity to come and for all of those who prayed for us while we were in St Gaudens!
Rebecca Mageroy
This missions trip was the best experience of the summer. It was wonderful to see the Lord working in the lives of the French people, and it was encouraging to see our God being worshipped across language barriers and culture differences. The Prices were a blessing to us and I’m glad we could be a blessing to them.
Danielle Peyton
These past two weeks in Saint-Gaudens have been incredible! This trip has reminded me of the power of the Gospel. It has encouraged me to pursue a deeper bond with my Savior and to help lead others to Him.
Emily Ragle
The past two weeks we have seen first hand the amazing power of God and great leaps of faith. God’s hand was on this trip from the very beginning and to be apart of such an incredible team and projects is an experience that I will never forget.
Danielle Harris
Thank you to everyone who made it possible for me to go on this trip. France was amazing, and I am so blessed that God was able to use me to minister! I made many amazing friends and countless special memories.
Ross Beach
Going on this trip was worth every penny. Seeing God at work in the lives of people in a totally different culture was very encouraging. It was also very satisfying to finish the work that we did on Dave’s house.
Katelyn Daniels
Seeing how God used this team to impact thousands of people was one of the most amazing aspects about this trip. Despite the language barrier, we could still be an example of a serving spirit like Christ to Dave and Melissa’s neighbors while working on their house, a helping hand to Dave as he ran a Bible Club for the local children of Saint Gaudens, and a pathway to God and Dave’s church to many people at the Tour de France. Not only was it amazing to see how God used us, but it was also incredible to see the fellowship of believers that are just like us but on the opposite side of the world. Until you go on a missions trip, it is easy to get caught in your own little world, but once you see that there is so much more, you can more easily understand the vast power of the God we serve. Thank you to everyone who supported me on this missions trip! I will never forget the experiences I had on this trip and the people that I was able to share it with.
Debora Rodriquez
When I heard that there was a spot in the trip to France, I decided to give it a try. There were several obstacles in the road, but when God opens a door, and we follow, He dictates our paths. Going to France was a great experience because it opened my eyes to a Christian community that exists and grows in the midst of a lot of unbelief. Their persistence, their love for Christ, and their love as a community is evident in their attitudes. Instead of encouraging them, I was encouraged by them.